Is It More Difficult To Learn Music Instruments As An Adult?

By Mitch Rice

Many adults in Singapore want to learn musical instruments such as the piano or guitar, but are worried that because they did not start young as a child or teenager, they would be struggling compared to their younger counterparts.

First of all, there is a reason why piano lessons Singapore for adults is so popular in Singapore. It is because you definitely can still master playing the piano even in adulthood! With the right piano teacher, you can still easily master playing the piano even if you never had any kind of music theory or practical music experience when you were younger. In fact, it is not the only type of music class which is very popular in Singapore among adult students. Guitar lessons Singapore for adults is also extremely popular in Singapore. The guitar is also mostly picked up by adults, and many students who learn the guitar in Singapore are actually adults, and not even kids. There are lots of Singaporeans taking music classes even as adults, and this would not happen if it were no longer possible to learn to play and master a musical instrument as an adult.

Second of all, learning music since young does help you become successful at that musical instrument at a younger age, but not because you can understand music or play instruments better. That is the result of time. If you started as an adult, you probably will also require years or a decade to truly master the music instrument you want to learn to play. This is highly similar to the amount of time that young kids take to master a music instrument. It only appears as if adult students take longer to master music only because they started later, but not because they learn slower.

Third of all, specific to Singapore’s context, most students had a very hectic school life, and had to have co-curricular activities after school and extra academic tuition classes as well. As a result of that, local students in Singapore actually did not have much time after school to practice on their music instrument they are trying to learn nor even go for lessons or classes. Since practice is absolutely critical to mastering an instrument, it can be difficult for many Singaporean kids to do so. However, as an adult, you likely have much more autonomy over your time. While you have a career, you have full choice over what you do after your work time. Since you can choose to prioritize practicing a musical instrument over all else after your work, you can easily master an instrument if you so wish to do so.

Next of all, it can sometimes be easier to learn as an adult when it comes to the theory portion. To truly be a great musician, you would need to understand music theory well too. As an adult student compared to a young child, it can be much easier for you to understand the theoretical side of music, as long as you are willing to put in the effort.

In a nutshell, it is not more difficult to learn music in adulthood. In fact, one could even go so far to say that it could potentially be easier to do so, at least in Singapore’s context.

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