Tips for Keeping Senior Dogs Healthy and Happy

Good pet owners are committed to keeping their animals healthy and happy not just when they are young and cute, but throughout their entire lives. Like aging people, senior dogs become more prone to age-related health problems and disorders. Thankfully, there are a few easy steps that any dog owner can take to ensure that his or her furry friend continues to live a good life well into old age.

  1. Use Joint Supplements

Joint supplements that contain beneficial ingredients like glucosamine, turmeric, and other anti-inflammatories and herbal pain remedies can do a world of good for senior dogs with mobility problems. These supplements reduce pain and inflammation, improving mobility and making it easier for older dogs with arthritis to stay active. Visit to learn about supplements that can help.

  1. Watch the Dog’s Weight

It’s common for dogs to put on weight as they age, but this problem isn’t as benign as it may seem. Having more weight to lift as they get up and down, head out for walks, or take on stairs makes it more difficult for overweight dogs to move and puts more stress on senior dogs’ hips and joints. It also makes them more prone to developing serious health problems like heart disease and diabetes.

The best way to tell if a dog is a healthy weight is to check his or her ribs. As a general rule, pet owners should be able to feel their dogs’ ribs with their fingertips but shouldn’t be able to see them. However, this varies by breed.

  1. Keep Pets Active

Older dogs often have trouble moving from standing to sitting positions and vice versa. It’s not because they’re lazy or incapable of getting up to go for walks and play with their owners, but because the muscles they need to get up have become weakened. Practice “sit” and “come” commands throughout the day to help those muscles stay strong and make it easier for older pets to continue getting up and moving around and start a targeted exercise routine.

  1. Elevate Food and Water Bowls

Don’t let an aging dog lay down to eat and drink unless that’s all the animal can do. Keeping them standing will get them a little more exercise and help to ensure proper digestion. Switching to a food formulated just for senior dogs can also help.

  1. Buy a Good Harness

Some dogs need extra help staying active. A good harness with handles that pet owners can use to assist their animals with potentially difficult or dangerous tasks like getting up from a prone position or taking the stairs safely protects the animal’s health and helps to avoid potentially disastrous injuries. The last thing a senior dog needs is to undergo surgery, so it’s wise to take extra precautions when living on multi-floor homes.

The Bottom Line

Senior dogs can still live happy, healthy lives. They just need a little extra help in the form of a better diet, targeted exercise, a few lifestyle adjustments, and plenty of love and attention. What pet owner wouldn’t do that for his or her favorite furry friend?