By Mitch Rice

The relationship between cannabis and creativity is not clear yet. Interestingly, it has been suggested that THC may increase DA production in the striatum, an area of the brain responsible for divergent thinking. The article also suggests that marijuana may increase arousal and enhance speech perception. For those who wish to know more, read the entire content. 

THC increases Dopamine release in the striatum

The striatum is a region of the brain that is involved in the action selection process, which is crucial to the generation of motivation and attentional processes. Neuropharmacological research suggests that THC increases DA release in the striatum by acting on CB1 receptors. Exogenous cannabinoids, such as THC from cannabis grown with marijuana nutrients, can also act on this pathway, influencing the synaptic transmission of striatal glutamate and dopamine.

Dopamine stimulates divergent thinking

A new study has shown that episodic specificity induction enhances divergent creative thinking. In this method, participants are briefly trained to recollect the specific details of a recent experience. However, it does not appear to have a generalizability effect on tasks with little divergent thinking. The present study examines the effects of episodic specificity induction in older adults who performed a consequences task. It also indicates that this strategy may improve memory for episodic details.


Research shows that cannabis has the power to improve divergent thinking, but not everyone is convinced by the results. The chemical THC increases cerebral blood flow to the frontal lobe, which is responsible for divergent thinking. While high doses of THC can have negative effects on Divergent thinking, studies show that lower doses are more effective in enhancing creativity. While THC alone cannot enhance Divergent thinking, it can help to ease inhibitions and open the mind to connections and fusion.

Enhances speech perception

Using DA has been shown to improve both speech perception and creativity. The process of DA involves the production of new neurons in the brain that control phonological processes. This new neural activity may be associated with an improved perception of speech in various types of contexts. For example, the exposure to ambiguous audio is more effective than clear audio. This is in part because listeners can use lipreading information and contextual cues to determine what they are hearing.

Enhances arousal

Scientists are still unsure of the exact mechanisms of marijuana’s creative effect. It may be due to the ability to “exaptate” – a process that not all humans can master – or to the process of “hyper-priming” – akin to Archimedes and his water displacement in the bath. In an essay on the link between marijuana and creativity, Sebastian Marincolo provides some explanations. For example, playing a drum solo in a rock band requires the coordination of several cognitive abilities, including heightened touch. This means that musicians who have a high tolerance to marijuana have greater chances of generating rare creative ideas than non-users.

Increases flexibility

Music may increase our ability to think creatively and solve problems, but this is not always the case. Music has been shown to increase our flexibility. Interestingly, listening to happy music can increase our ability to think in both divergent and convergent ways. Convergent thinking involves solving tasks that require less fluency, but require a greater level of flexibility. We may also be more creative when we’re in a happy mood, as the effect of happy music has been found to be stronger on tasks requiring divergent and convergent thinking.


Researchers have found that DA (diaphragmatic activation) increases the number of semantic links in the brain, thereby improving the signal-to-noise ratio of memory. This effect is most pronounced in the brain’s ability to attend to sensory input, whereas it is diminished in the creative mind. This effect has been observed in both sham-stimulation and real-stim conditions.

Increases schizotypy

The central DA system has many roles in human mental health. It plays roles in updating, response inhibition, and mental set shifting. It may also increase schizotypy in music and creativity. However, no specific mechanism has been identified to explain this connection. In the meantime, researchers continue to study the role of DA in music and creativity. They have also found that DA increases schizotypy in other areas of human health.

THC affects mood

Researchers have investigated how THC affects mood when participants listen to progressive music containing marijuana. Their results have shown that THC has a dissociable effect on the anticipation and consummation of reward in both groups. They found that adolescents are more susceptible to the acute effects of THC than adults. Their study findings are in line with previous findings and provide a framework for future studies. It’s important to note that more research is needed to understand exactly how marijuana and other natural remedies for anxiety affects human moods.

THC affects arousal

The effects of cannabis on the brain are still unknown, but there is some evidence to suggest that THC might have a role. In a recent study, Fachner looked at brainwave activity in cannabis users and the effects of the drug on musical perception. She also tested how cannabis affected the perception of sound in sober and stoned individuals. The researchers tested brainwave activity while listening to three different types of music, and the subjects smoked cannabis or listened to music that elicited specific brainwave responses.

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