Can a Lab Drug Test Detect Fake Urine or Animal Urine?

Fake urine simply means artificial urine or animal urine. Synthetic urine normally contains urea, chloride, sodium, potassium, creatinine, and other dissolved ions, as stated in this Quick Fix Plus review All of these components have their range value in human urine. The components may be the same but the value of those mentioned components is not the same. This is why labs can detect fake urine and normal human urine. Over 95 percent of the urine is water which is not the case in many fake urines.

Components of a Urine

Uric acid is the main component in urine as labs test fake urine, they start by checking uric acid. Some labs are not extreme when it comes to analyzing fake urine. That is why once they detect uric acid, they just conclude it is human urine. The trick is, fake urine contains uric acid but it may not contain other components of urine such as creatinine, Amino acids, metabolites of hormones, and Urea. If the urine of a person doesn’t contain that, further investigations are necessary to detect whether or not it is human urine.

The Temperature is Enough to Tell the Difference

When the lab requests for urine, the temperature of fresh urine is the same as the temperature of a normal person. Once the temperature is not the same as the person differs with great value, something should tell you that the urine might be fake. Even the odor of the urine is not the same because fake urine is not concentrated with a lot of components. The components of human urine make it smell differently from the synthetic urine. This simply means a perfect lab that devotes to detect fake urine can detect it without even doing some of the complicated tests. Fake urine degrades quicker than human urine.

Some of the Tests That Detect Fake Urine

Creatinine is a must in human urine because it is the one used to check for the functionality of the kidneys. If the kidneys are not okay, the creatinine levels will always be below the normal range. Fake urine may not be having this chemical especially if it was manufactured by incompetent labs. The lab can also check for urobilinogen which is a mixture of urea and by-products of bilirubin. Another thing the labs can test is the specific gravity of the urine. This will differ because the components of fake urine are not in the same value as the components of human urine.

Animal Urine is Not Same as Human Urine

Biologically, human urine contains the exact components of animal urine. Take for example a pig or cow, these are animals that produce a significant amount of urine. The difference comes in the value of those components. They differ greatly because the biological and physiological requirements of the animal’s body are different from the human body. If a lab is extensive enough in its investigations, it can detect all these faults and differences.

Bottom Line

Labs can detect fake urine if they decide to. The urinalysis is not enough to detect whether urine is fake or not. Some advanced tests are necessary to reveal whether or not urine is fake or original from a human being. Components of human urine are the same as components in animal urine but their value differs greatly. This is why it is easy for one detects animal urine and differentiate it from the urine of a human being. Synthetic urine that is made using the original urine may be hard to differentiate. Only the concentration can differ because human urine is often more concentrated.