Process of transformation from carbon to diamonds

You must have often wondered what it takes into the making of a diamond. The beauty and luster of the diamond that you see on the outside is just one part of it.

Yes, a diamond formation starts from the carbon. Read the following points to get a fact-check about the entire process. Brief yourself about the technicalities that go into the formation of the diamond, starting from the very basic but quintessential carbon.

  • Beginning from the mantle of the earth.

To a layman, a diamond is found in a commercial mine. But if we try digging deeper, we find that a diamond is actually formed inside the mantle of the earth. It is approximately about 150 kilometers below the earth’s crust. Diamond formation starts in the diamond stability zone in the upper mantle. It is a high pressure region with a temperature of over thousand degrees Celsius. Thereafter, the gems are brought to the earth’s surface at the time of any seismic event.

  • Getting to the subconduction zones.

The carbon accumulation into diamond is said to take place in the subduction zone. It is a place for the tectonic plates to gather together, by way of continuous movement beneath the surface of the earth. Also, scientific research states that subducted sea water is also responsible for the conversion of carbon into diamonds in the subconduction zones. So the next time you see the engagement rings in Hatton Garden, you know where they have originated from.

  • Formation of allotropes.

The property of carbon allows the carbon atoms to arrange themselves in many different physical forms. These physical forms are termed as allotropes. In a diamond, the carbon atoms form a covalent bond with one another. Therefore, they produce a three dimensional network solid structure.

  • Acquiring unique shades and textures.

The transformation of the carbon into a diamond withstands all types of exposures to gases, minerals, and elements found in the proximity of the ore. The colour acquired by the diamond comes from the matter it comes into contact with during this phase. A different hue of a diamond does not make a diamond faulty. The only reason behind different colours is the difference in the surface of contact, that further gives the diamonds a unique beauty and texture.

As good things take time, that is why the best of the diamonds take hundreds and even thousands of years to emerge into the beauty that they are. The process starts beneath the surface of the earth, and ends up in the stores of the jewellers Hatton Garden. That is why an investment in a diamond is absolutely worth it. With different varieties of colours of diamonds, you can pick the one that enhances your fashion statement. One thing that you must be assured about is that all of them are derived from carbon.