Amazing Apps to Help You Become a Better Soccer Player


Soccer is one of those games that always attract a crowd. Everyone loves to watch and many enjoy playing it. It is a game that requires incredible dexterity and speed. Most of us can sit in awe watching the world’s top athletes. For some, however, reaching their level could be attainable. A great level of dedication is needed, as well as a few tricks that can help you on your way up. I have been a semi-professional for a while now and might have some advice to offer you on your journey to success.

Master the basics in case you don’t have a strong foundation

Before you try any impossible tricks you’ve seen on TV, it is important to ask yourself whether you’ve mastered all the basics. In order to get better at soccer, you first need to build a strong foundation. There is simply no way around it. You should learn all the rules by heart and be able to recall them on any occasion during the game. Of course, practice makes perfect, and only by committing to improve your soccer skills can you expect to see progress. A good coach is a great thing to have but, if you can’t afford to have one by your side every time you play, you can still rely on some online resources to monitor your game.

Improve your ball control & never miss a shot

One thing I always had trouble with was precision. You can’t do much without it and, if that is the area you’re struggling with, I urge you to start working on it as soon as possible. In order to achieve better ball control, you need to focus on your balance and coordination, making sure that your feet always do exactly what your brain tells them to. Silly as it may sound, this is often more difficult said than done – especially at the break-neck speed the average game tends to happen. Try doing a ball control challenge and you will quickly see where your skills may be lacking.

Take your dribbling to the next level & beat every opponent

Another important part of your play is dribbling. Doing it well will mean that you will easily scoot by any opponent and score a goal with ease. If you’re not exactly sure how to improve your soccer dribbling or simply don’t have access to a coach at the moment, you can still achieve a lot by using your smartphone. I know it sounds odd but plenty of apps out there offer advice on how to take your game to the next level. While trying to pick up a few nuggets of wisdom off of the internet, I found this list of apps – most of which have proven surprisingly useful.

Training Apps to Become a Better Soccer Player

These can help you with dribbling training, improving your precision, and getting where you want to be a lot faster. They won’t replace a pro coach, of course, but there is no harm in using them to polish your skills.


Playing soccer with your friends on a Sunday morning is one thing but taking it to a professional level is a whole different ball game. If you want to improve, you should make sure that you’ve mastered the basics before taking it any further. Commit to doing a ball control challenge on a regular basis, focus on your dribbling, and you will be on the road to success. Also, remember that there is no shame in relying on technology and apps to improve your skills. Scientists and artists use it, so why shouldn’t athletes benefit from it too?