“The Carpenters: A Christmas Portrait” is a Christmas television special that originally aired on ABC in 1978. It features the popular American music duo, The Carpenters, consisting of siblings Karen and Richard Carpenter. The special was a holiday-themed musical event that showcased the duo’s signature soft rock and pop music style, as well as their charming and heartwarming approach to Christmas songs.
Karen Carpenter was known for her beautiful and distinctive voice, and in this special, she performed a variety of classic Christmas songs, including “The Christmas Song,” “Sleigh Ride,” and “Merry Christmas Darling.” Richard Carpenter, the musical arranger and pianist of the duo, accompanied her with their signature sound.
The program also featured guest appearances by various artists and entertainers, and it included segments with the Carpenters interacting with children in a festive holiday setting. The special was a one-hour celebration of Christmas music and the holiday season, and it has become a beloved part of the Carpenters’ legacy. It was a reflection of the Carpenters’ enduring popularity and their ability to capture the spirit of the season through their music.
“The Carpenters: A Christmas Portrait” has been re-aired on television in subsequent years and has been made available on various home video formats, making it a cherished tradition for fans of the Carpenters and holiday music enthusiasts.