Pros & Cons Of Listening To Music While Writing An Essay

The effect of background music on thought processes is somehow more complicated than we previously thought. Pros and cons of music in essay writing in researches are not about “melodies in general” or “writing in general”, but works of particular styles that help (or prevent) solving certain tasks.

  1. Pros of writing with music

Many students and schoolchildren listen to melodies while studying even in class. There is nothing wrong with this because all the people are different and background music can really help someone concentrate, especially if he does a monotonous job. While looking for free essays or writing your paper assignment, students may experience stress and calm melodies can reduce it or even remove it. Also, favorite songs in the background can improve the student’s mood and concentration. Moreover, sometimes students can associate a certain moment of study with a song and memorize the necessary material through melodies.

  1. Cons of listening to music while studying

Unfortunately, despite all the positive aspects, scientists have proved that music is more distracting than helps in learning. Students who listen to songs while doing reading or writing assignments tend to be less effective and walk away, absorbing less information. Loud or too fast melodies can interfere with your concentration during the performance of tasks. Above we mentioned a trick when a material is remembered when associated with a song. The disadvantage of this method is that in the exam you are unlikely to be given the opportunity to listen to music in order to remember something.

  1. MYTH. Music helps you concentrate on work

Truth. Recent studies have shown that music can have a beneficial effect on creativity. In particular, Simone M. Ritter and Sam Ferguson of the University of Nijmegen in the Netherlands have shown in their recent work that people who perform creative tasks while listening to classical music are more productive than their counterparts who work in silence.

At the same time, several decades have been spent researching how sound affects work productivity. A review of laboratory research on this topic shows that there is a phenomenon called “inappropriate sound effect”. Basically, this effect means that the performance gets worse when the task is performed in the presence of background sound. This effect is more pronounced when not only instrumental music but also human language sounds in the background.

Scientists note that this effect is manifested when performing complex tasks that require maximum concentration. In addition, the nature of the background sounds matters. If they do not meet the preferences of the person, the productivity drops significantly.

  1. Can music motivate you to write?

Music can definitely influence the mood by exacerbating the bad and maintaining the good, it can improve or worsen the mood and it all depends on certain situations. During studies, sometimes it is too lazy to do something. Especially with regard to paperwork. But listening to your favorite songs can cheer you up and motivate you to work, do research work and write an essay. This is true because a person’s mood can depend on weather and melodies. Concentrating on working on your essay, you don’t have to listen to melodies, but it can definitely motivate you to find the materials you need to work and at least read them. Then it all depends on how you prefer to continue to work. Perhaps you are from the tech who writes scientific papers to music, or maybe the one who works only in silence. The main thing is that melodies can push you to the beginning of work!



Playing music in the background helps or hinders performance, depending on the person’s task and the type of melodies. Only understanding these relationships will help people increase their level of productivity. If the task requires a creative approach, listening to your favorite melodies can improve performance. If the job requires a lot of information, it’s better to work with or without music at all, or with background music.